How Christmas can be a great time for Mental Health

Christmas is a challenging time of year at the best of times, let alone this year. If you have felt the effects of the stress and noticed your mood dip, you are not alone. However, if looked at through a different lens, Christmas can actually be a great time of year for mental health.


Over the course of this year I have developed the re:Nutrition Mood Boosting Method. Some of you may have heard me talk about one of the steps in my last YouTube video. Just this week, I set about planning how I can share more detail about this method with you next year. It struck me that these seemingly simple steps provided the perfect framework with which to consider Christmas and how, if think about this busy time of year differently, it really can be the perfect time of year to find joy, happiness and contentment. Find out why I think so below.


Many think of Christmas as a time for over indulgence and as far from healthy as can be. But on closer inspection, the foods we traditionally associate with Christmas are bursting with mood-boosting potential.

Take the star of the show for example. Turkey is one of THE best sources of the amino acid, tryptophan, the key component of the happy hormone serotonin. A closer inspection of turkey’s co-stars also reveals a host of mood foods:

  • Sprouts, rich in folate required for healthy brain function

  • Cranberries, full of antioxidants and vitamin C helping to reduce inflammation in the brain and promote healthy mood regulation

  • Cabbage, sulphur-rich, helping us to detoxify excess stress hormones

  • Carrots, rich in vitamin A which supports healthy brain function and can reduce fatigue

  • Chestnuts, full of monounsaturated fats to protect our brain cells and promote healthy hormone balance

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Taking time off work over Christmas gives us more time to engage in physical activity and the things we love doing. Ok I am not suggesting you spend the rest of the year pumping iron in the gym (unless that’s your thing!) Instead, get outdoors and take leisurely walks and enjoy some fresh air. Play games and connect with your friends and family in whatever way you can.


Christmas was just made for RnR and great moods are nurtured when we rest. So cosy up on the couch, read a good book, watch a Christmas movie and most of all sleep!


Often our negative thoughts and limiting beliefs are what drive our feelings of low mood and anxiety. Christmas is the perfect time to reflect and to take a step back from those pesky thoughts. When they arise, question and challenge them. Focus instead on what you have, what you are grateful for and what makes you amazing.

So hopefully you can now see why this time of year is full of mood boosting potential. However you intend to spend the coming days, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.


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